Hello there! It’s W.O.R.D again.
| I want you to read through the lines. Read over and over till you engulf everything.
A man without fears is the man who has a plan. He is fit for elevation. Life is a training field and so the biggest room is this world is the room for improvement.
On this earth, it is not about the questions life keep bringing into your mind. It’s about your answers to them. But there’s an examiner and so you would have to answer right. Your capacity to contain pain determines the toughness of your praise. Limits are not meant to bar anyone. They’re only meant to separate those who would move on from those who would stay. And when man is determined, every challenge is mere illusion.
They say what goes around comes around…so that’s why when you throw a ball to the wall, it would bounce back to you. Why then don’t we try throwing self…because we would get it back.
Everybody is meant to quit…but it’s about ‘WHEN’ you quit. Winners quit only after the results, not when they’re exhausted.
Don’t expect the plain…Think!…because you might not see anything like this again. Opportunity knocks…don’t play deaf.||